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Recent Discoveries at Teotihuacan: Excavations at the Plaza of the Columns

Free admission and stream online

As part of a circuit of conferences called “Archaeology Today” (coordinated by Dr. Leonardo López Luján), Dr. Saburo Sugiyama and Dr. Nawa Sugiyama, co-directors of the Project Plaza of the Columns Complex, will present an interesting lecture on the most recent discoveries at Teotihuacan made by their project.

Multiple aspects of Teotihuacan, such as urban planning, new LiDAR maps of the Teotihuacan Valley, the arrival of Maya elites, and the sacrifice of animals, will be revealed to the general public.

Do not miss this opportunity to attend the Colegio Nacional next Wednesday, June 12th, at 6pm. If you can’t make it in person, check out to stream online.

Lecture at Phoenix Art Museum

Lecture at Phoenix Art Museum

Due to popular demand, the Phoenix Art Museum added an additional lecture by archaeologist Nawa Sugiyama (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, George Mason University, and co-director of the Project Plaza of the Columns Complex) who will present a 40-minute lecture on the sacred animals, sacred places, and ritualized landscapes at Teotihuacan.

For more information and to reserve tickets visit

2018 Field Season

2018 Field Season

A Great Experience!

What a successful experience this summer has been with the closing of the 2018 field season of the Project Plaza of the Columns Complex. Beginning July 2nd, a small army came together to accomplish quite a bit: six archaeologists carried out excavations in five key areas of interest, another archaeologist resumed his extensive survey of the Teotihuacan Valley, and two international students along with 23 fieldworkers and 13 lab personnel have supported the team during these important activities. In addition, several research specialists have already arrived with more to come to study the plethora of collected archaeological materials and samples that will reveal even more interesting information about the past of this region.

Our goal is to increase and diffuse knowledge, and we only hope to continue sharing our experiences and valuable work with you after each season.


We are just about to close excavations, and all the project team members look forward to contributing more personalized experiences soon!



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