Ceramic Analysis
Ceramics: pots, jars, plates…
After curating the materials, specialists analyze each recovered piece. Analysis begins by removing all the sherds out of the bag on a table to classify each piece of ceramic based on its physical and macroscopic characteristics such as form, paste and surface finish or slip.

These criteria are used to classify each group into pre-established Teotihuacan ceramic phases. In the next picture, you can see some sherds already classified to the Miccaotli Phase. Can you read the labels?

The materials are then stored in individual bags for each phase, and the total number of each group is recorded into a database. All materials will be classified and subsequently analyzed statistically.
Click on the links below to know more about ceramic analysis:
Sherds: What type of information can be recovered?
The case of candeleros: What can be learned about pottery analysis?