This year, the 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology took place in New Orleans, from April 17th to 21st .
Several members of the project participated with the following presentations:
- Ariel Texis Muñoz, Nawa Sugiyama and Saburo Sugiyama—Extending Teotihuacan’s Past: Ceramic Insights from Lidar-Based Surface Survey
- Nawa Sugiyama, Yen-Shin Hsu and Edsel Robles Martínez—A Zooarchaeological Reconstruction of the Grand Feast of Plaza of the Columns, Teotihuacan
- Clarissa Cagnato, Nawa Sugiyama, Laura Longo, Elena Longo and Matteo Parisatto—Reconstructing Ancient Mesoamerican Cuisine through Innovative Imaging Techniques of Amorphous Carbonized Objects
- María Martínez-Polanco, Nawa Sugiyama and Christine France—Long Term White-Tailed Deer and Human Relationships in Parita Bay, Panama
- Naoko Matsumoto, Atsushi Iriki and Saburo Sugiyama—Theory, Strategies, Objectives, and Preliminary Results of Transdisciplinary Studies of Ancient Consciousness on Time and Space out of Eurasia
- Nelly Robles García, Saburo Sugiyama, Yuma Takada, Damián Martínez and Miguel Ángel Galván—New Perspectives of Monte Albán-Atzompa Complex through New Lidar Mapping Survey
- Saburo Sugiyama, Nawa Sugiyama, Kazuhiro Sekiguchi, Kuninori Iwashiro and Yuta Chiba—Materialization of Time, Space, Nature, and Societies Denoted by New Lidar Maps at Teotihuacan
- Rafael Cruz-Gil—Measuring Urban Mobility and Accessibility in a Mesoamerican Context