“Animal Matter”
The book “Animal Matter. Ritual, Place, and Sovereignty at the Moon Pyramid of Teotihuacan” by Dr. Nawa Sugiyama is now available. It comprises zooarchaeological, isotopic, iconographic, and excavation information about the animals found in dedicatory caches at the Moon Pyramid.
For a limited time, it is possible to read the first chapter for free at the following link: https://academic.oup.com/book/58206/chapter/481601981
This is the chapter’s abstract:
This chapter introduces the main protagonists and the theoretical framework underpinning the study of nearly two hundred faunal remains retrieved from the offertory caches at the Moon Pyramid of Teotihuacan, Mexico. Animal matter, both corporeal animal forms (animal bodies and by-products) and their representation, are understood within a relational ontology as active persons with social positionality. Corporeal animal forms materially record diachronic and synchronic patterns of interpersonal relationships between humans and animals. Thus, they provide optimal contextually situated reconstructions of how corporeal animal forms participated in ritual performances. State ritualized performances are particularly effective sites of engagement to retrieve the social transactions among humans, animals, and other agentive persons during the process of sovereignty formations at Teotihuacan.
We hope that you find this book interesting!