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febrero 17, 2025Blog / Newsby Justin Tran Introduction On the surface, archaeology appears simple – go to an archaeological site, start digging down, and haul out all the ancient ‘stuff’ that you can find. But in reality, archaeology involves a great degree of precise and hard work, alongside careful planning and execution in day-to-day operations. Much of the work on an excavation starts even before the first shovel hits the dirt. From simply setting up the excavation early in the morning, to survey and… Leer más Leer más [...] Read more...
mayo 2, 2024Blog / NewsThis year, the 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology took place in New Orleans, from April 17th to 21st . Several members of the project participated with the following presentations: [...] Read more...
junio 28, 2023Blog / NewsHere is the poster of the conference “The Creation of Royalty in “Out of Eurasia” civilizations: Exploring the mechanism of the Emergence of Transcendent Power” that will take place from June 30th to July 2nd at the Meiji University. Some members of the project will be participating. [...] Read more...
junio 28, 2023Blog / NewsThe exhibition “Ancient Mexico: Maya, Aztec and Teotihuacan” was inaugurated at the Tokio National Museum. This temporary exhibition was managed and curated by Dr. Saburo Sugiyama and will last until September 3rd 2023. Here is the link to the exhibition’s website: https://mexico2023.exhibit.jp/?fbclid=IwAR2GsnSGVDZOcSwy_NwUj5mPYKJCKBbtiyt809sNiWMiQ63HsRYn4kUehjw Here are some videos of the exhibition: Moreover, if you speak Japanese and want to know more about Teotihuacan, you can check out this book written by Dr. Saburo Sugiyama. UPDATE. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the… Leer más Leer más [...] Read more...

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